Theology & TherapyMarch 4, 2022

You Know More Than You Know

Once A Week


Research shows that our bodies process 11 million bits of sensory data per second implicitly, beneath awareness. How much do we consciously process? Only 50-60 bits per second. Crazy, right? I’m not good at math, but if that’s right, only 0.0000054 of our second-by-second experience of reality is in our conscious awareness. In other words, we know more than we know that we know. As with many findings of modern science, wise men and sages have been aware of this reality (if not the precise data) for quite a long time.

“The purpose in a man’s heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out” (Proverbs 20:5)

Because the thoughts of the heart are deep, and because our minds typically swim on the surface, it requires the help of another to fathom the depths and draw them up to where we can engage them. And how does a “man of understanding…draw it out”? Probably the same way a man angles for bass: patiently, waiting hours, days, weeks, months to build trust and rapport; repeatedly, casting the same question 3 times in 5 different ways in 10 different meetings; studiously, knowing when, where and what the fish are biting; and flexibly, knowing when it’s time to pack up, go home and hope for better luck tomorrow.

Sometimes you land a keeper; sometimes it’s a dinky catch and release; sometimes you snag a soggy boot; and sometimes when you think you’re reeling in a big ‘un you’re shocked to drag up some ancient relic, only made possible by patience, persistence, and Providence.

Quote from Blaise Pascal

“The heart has its reasons, which reason does not know.”


Who can you can thank today for their patient and persistent showing up to catch the deeper, unknown purposes in your soul?

Praying for and laboring with you,

Aaron Hann