Blog Posts

Reforming Toxic Liturgies

Healing Wounds from the Liturgical Calendar in the Gospel of John, Part 3
December 17, 2024Aaron Hann
Reforming Toxic Liturgies

Our Sickness Must Grow Worse

Profound healing follows profound wounding. In the world of the spirit and care of souls, what that often means is this: profound healing requires profound honesty about the profound wounding that has been there all along.
November 26, 2024Aaron Hann
Our Sickness Must Grow Worse

Deep Waters

A poem from my first time at the beach in two years
July 30, 2024Aaron Hann
Deep Waters

Womanly Trouble

An Untold Whistleblower’s Story
July 16, 2024Aaron Hann
Womanly Trouble

God is a Wedding

Some further thoughts on gender in the Gospel of John
June 18, 2024Aaron Hann
God is a Wedding


Spiritual Malpractice and Christian Soul Care
June 4, 2024Aaron Hann

Advocacy and Ambition: A Dangerous Cocktail

Why would a man believe a survivor and then later change his mind and disbelieve the survivor? The story of Sigmund Freud’s early career illustrates one answer: there is a common temptation for those who face a dilemma between believing victims and maintaining their power.
May 21, 2024Aaron Hann
Advocacy and Ambition: A Dangerous Cocktail

Thunder Happened

An Unusual Holy Week Meditation on John 12:29
March 26, 2024Aaron Hann
Thunder Happened

Witness, With-ness, and Open Wounds that Welcome

This week’s post is a personal one. I initially wrote it for my own benefit, but in the spirit of K.J. Ramsey whose writing I am reflecting on, I hope others will benefit from personal reflections on my story.
February 6, 2024Aaron Hann
Witness, With-ness, and Open Wounds that Welcome

The Failure of Syntax

A Roundabout Assessment of Direct Communication Failure
January 30, 2024Aaron Hann
The Failure of Syntax

The Columbo Tactic for Advocates

In this week’s newsletter I share some of Columbo’s traits that transfer to discussions about abuse, traits that advocates for abuse survivors can use with wisdom, discernment and practice.
January 16, 2024Aaron Hann
The Columbo Tactic for Advocates

Stay Close To Me

There is a favorite Harry Potter scene that brings tears every time I watch it. It takes place in chapter 34 of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows when Harry goes to die in the Forbidden Forest. He intuitively discovers Dumbledore’s purpose for giving him the Resurrection Stone: not to cheat death, but to be encouraged by those few adults who loved him unconditionally:
January 9, 2024Aaron Hann
Stay Close To Me

Thank You for Reading: Or, Why I Write

Offering an answer to the question “why do I write?” is one way I want to say “thank you” here at the beginning of 2024. Thank you for reading, for opening those emails (which are almost always way to long for an email), for liking, for commenting, for sharing, and for encouraging me with how my writing has moved you. Thank you for your part in giving me reason to answer this question anew.
January 3, 2024Aaron Hann
Thank You for Reading: Or, Why I Write

Advent in John’s Gospel: God Among Us In Human Flesh

Just as God sent Jesus to reveal and enflesh the love of the triune God, so Jesus sends his followers enflesh the love of God in the world. We truly interpret the incarnation when we incarnate Christ’s love in truth.
December 26, 2023Aaron Hann
Advent in John’s Gospel: God Among Us In Human Flesh

Advent in John’s Gospel: Healing Trauma through Embodied Reading

In this season of Advent, the incarnation provides a hermeneutical key for opening the door to a fresh way of reading John. The Gospel of John cannot be read properly without tuning in to symbolic images and the sensations they activate through associative memory.
December 19, 2023Aaron Hann
Advent in John’s Gospel: Healing Trauma through Embodied Reading

Advent in John’s Gospel: After Silence, Speech

The Son is the Word from all eternity. There never was a time when God the Father was not speaking God the Son. In God, there is no such thing as silence. And yet, the children of God endure silence, just as they often endure forms of death and darkness.
December 12, 2023Aaron Hann
Advent in John’s Gospel: After Silence, Speech

Advent in John’s Gospel: Considering the Darkness

The hope of dawn is real. Christ has died, Christ has risen, and Christ will come again. But if we want to offer the hope of Christmas, we have to be willing to sit in darkness. We have to be willing to see that crisis reveals character.
December 5, 2023Aaron Hann
Advent in John’s Gospel: Considering the Darkness

Molding the Image of God through Praise

Don’t underestimate the impact your words have on others. As with all forms of evil, the power of misused praise only serves to illustrate how much more powerful it is when used rightly.
November 21, 2023Aaron Hann
Molding the Image of God through Praise

Spiritual Boundaries: Internalizing the Trinity

The teacher that spiritual abuse survivors most need is the Holy Spirit. He teaches only what he hears from the Son. No mixture of pride, seeking self and glory, no manipulation, no lies or deceit. Only God’s beauty, goodness, and truth.
November 15, 2023Aaron Hann
Spiritual Boundaries: Internalizing the Trinity

Our Brains Were Meant For Walking

We really do think better while walking. Solvitur ambulando. Might that be related to Scripture’s way of picturing our embodied moral selves through walking?
November 7, 2023Aaron Hann
Our Brains Were Meant For Walking

Mary Magdalen and the Tears of Renewal and Reformation

Today, on October 31, 2023, the day when Protestants celebrate the Reformation, I believe the message we most need to hear is already being preached by women who are saying “I don’t see the body of the Lord.”
October 31, 2023Aaron Hann
Mary Magdalen and the Tears of Renewal and Reformation

Let Her Speak

How Jesus the gentle rabbi treats female spiritual abuse survivors
October 17, 2023Aaron Hann
Let Her Speak

Leaf I & II

Poems for Fall
October 10, 2023Aaron Hann
Leaf I & II

Thick Clouds, Darkness, and Spiritual Abuse

This week I want to reflect on the emphasis of darkness in John’s Gospel. Consider this a mini biblical theology of darkness, illuminating how Jesus is presented by John as the light which rescues those who have been wounded by abusive leaders and oppressive religious systems.
October 3, 2023Aaron Hann
Thick Clouds, Darkness, and Spiritual Abuse

Joseph, Judah, and the Road to Justice

Please join me on a slow journey through some familiar stories in Genesis to hear and see how God transforms unfaithful conformists to faithful followers of the God of justice.
September 26, 2023Aaron Hann
Joseph, Judah, and the Road to Justice

Part to Whole: Learning to See Systems

Unless we see systems, unless we think with the grain of our systemic existence, we will tend to treat symptoms instead of diseases. And more to the point of this newsletter, we cannot even begin to focus on the underlying disease in any system unless we actually see the system.
September 19, 2023Aaron Hann
Part to Whole: Learning to See Systems

The Word of God Welcomes Your Words of Spiritual Trauma

Have you been neglected by your earthly shepherds? Did they flee when the wolf came? Or was your shepherd himself a wolf? You can take heart that the Triune God wants you to tell your story. He welcomes your words of spiritual trauma.
September 12, 2023Aaron Hann
The Word of God Welcomes Your Words of Spiritual Trauma

Spiritual Despair (The Good Kind)

When darkness is all we know, we won’t hope for anything different. In such a condition, it’s not hope we need, at least not initially and only. We need to see the darkness for what it is. Which is to say, we need despair.
August 29, 2023Aaron Hann
Spiritual Despair (The Good Kind)

Awakened By The Father

Each day the sun rises, and the Father reminds us of his rule. Water runs in rivers, pipes and faucets because the Father is the ruler yet. By sight or sound or taste or touch or smell, the evidence of the Father’s loving provision is ever present to our senses.
August 15, 2023Aaron Hann
Awakened By The Father

The Beaming Face of Love

When we walk into the lives of those who are hurting, we bring healing by reflecting God’s delight. Joy enters the darkness when sufferers see in our face, our eyes, our smile, that there’s nowhere else we’d rather be than right here, with them, in all of their sorrow.
August 8, 2023Aaron Hann
The Beaming Face of Love

The Good Shepherd Sends Safe Shepherds

Did you know that the Gospel of John is all about the fulfillment of the OT expectation for the removal of false shepherds and the return of good shepherds?
August 1, 2023Aaron Hann
The Good Shepherd Sends Safe Shepherds

Curiosity is Contagious

Maybe we really do need to become like children. If curiosity killed the cat, maybe it can cure the human. Even more, maybe it is a contagious cure. Are you willing to give curiosity a try?
July 25, 2023Aaron Hann
Curiosity is Contagious

Empire Criticism in the Gospel of John?

Sometimes the creep of empire is more in action than in word. Not so much allegiance to Caesar but to the ways of Caesar. Which is to say, the ways displayed by all human systems when corrupted by desire for power and glory.
July 18, 2023Aaron Hann
Empire Criticism in the Gospel of John?

Hermeneutics for Spiritual Abuse Healing

Christians inhabit the same biblically scripted story as the Good Shepherd. The world hated Jesus, and it will hate Jesus’ followers, too. Intimate friends of the faith betrayed Jesus, and intimate friends of the faith will betray Jesus’ followers, too. Only in our day they do it in the name of Jesus.
July 8, 2023Aaron Hann
Hermeneutics for Spiritual Abuse Healing

Creating Contemplation

Reading that gets closer to recreating the experience of writing has a greater effect on us. The slower we read, the more we pause, hesitate, search for words to voice our thoughts and feelings, the more opportunity we give for the written words to sink in, settle, and take up room in our hearts.
June 30, 2023Aaron Hann
Creating Contemplation

Where Do We Go From Here?

As long as there are male leaders whose knee-jerk response is to disbelieve, dismiss, deny, discount, deflect, and discard the stories of abuse survivors, churches and denominations filled with such men are not safe.
June 16, 2023Aaron Hann
Where Do We Go From Here?

Cursing Christians?

The Role of the Imprecatory Psalms in Christian Advocacy
June 9, 2023Aaron Hann
Cursing Christians?

Prayer & Meditation VII - The Power of Attention

By focusing our minds on Scripture in set times of meditation, we engage the ignition key of attention and open ourselves to the work of the Spirit who brings “life and peace” (Romans 8:6).
May 30, 2023Aaron Hann
Prayer & Meditation VII - The Power of Attention

Prayer and Meditation IV - On Unanswered Prayer

In this series of posts about prayer, meditation, and mindfulness, I wanted to pause with a note of encouragement for those who are or have been discouraged in prayer.
May 30, 2023Aaron Hann
Prayer and Meditation IV - On Unanswered Prayer

Prayer and Meditation III - The Jesus Prayer

In part II in this series on prayer and meditation I mentioned the practice of combining slow awareness of breath with the Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me”.
May 30, 2023Aaron Hann
Prayer and Meditation III - The Jesus Prayer

Prayer and Meditation I

As a Christian counselor frequently working with Christian clients, I often wonder what assumptions my clients have about those words and practices. Unfortunately they can be loaded terms.
May 30, 2023Aaron Hann
Prayer and Meditation I

Where Are The Imprecators?

I have always felt guilty and a bit morally unclean whenever I feel a sense of satisfaction while reading imprecatory psalms. But in the midst of human betrayal there is an undeniable resonance in my body when I hear the words of, say, Psalm 71:13. Why is that?
May 26, 2023Aaron Hann
Where Are The Imprecators?

Receiving Help for God’s Glory

By allowing others to help you, you are allowing them to enjoy God, and both of you get to enjoy God together. For that is the chief end of mankind: to glorify God by enjoying God, even enjoying in him those we help and those who help us.
May 17, 2023Aaron Hann
Receiving Help for God’s Glory

Triune Healing from Spiritual Abuse in John’s Gospel

These are some posts that explore the dynamics of healing from spiritual abuse in John. I’m putting links here all in one post as I work on an outline to potentially expand them into a booklet/book. If you take the time to read any of these I would love your feedback!
May 8, 2023Aaron Hann
Triune Healing from Spiritual Abuse in John’s Gospel

Name It To Tame It, Part 2

Naming is why empathy is so powerful. An empathic person is willing to look at another’s experience that is inherently “other”, because it is not one’s own, and agree with how that other names the experience. Just like our sin has to be named for what it is before we can receive grace, so our ability to digest life in general – thoughts, feelings, actions, experiences – depends on “saying what a thing is.”
May 5, 2023Aaron Hann
Name It To Tame It, Part 2

Name It to Tame It, Part 1

When our thoughts are disconnected from our feelings, and when our brains are disconnected from our bodies, we become either rigid or chaotic, unable to process our current reality with flexibility. Naming and talking about feelings integrates our mind/body state so that we can work through difficulties in adaptive ways.
April 28, 2023Aaron Hann
Name It to Tame It, Part 1

Augustine, Women, and Men Willing to be Wrong

Despite his general patriarchal stance on women, perhaps Augustine might serve as a good example for men today, especially pastors and elders, who are staunchly unwilling to reconsider their views. Not that one has to actually change one’s mind. But something is wrong when we are unwilling to be wrong.
April 22, 2023Aaron Hann
Augustine, Women, and Men Willing to be Wrong

Trauma Healing Advice From A 13th Century Doctor of Theology

When not sufficiently digested, painful experiences turn to sorrow and take up space in our physical bodies. Indeed, Aquinas writes that “Of all the soul’s passions [or emotions/affections], sorrow is most harmful to the body.”
April 14, 2023Aaron Hann
Trauma Healing Advice From A 13th Century Doctor of Theology

Grassroots Reformation vs Societal Denial

The pressure to deny evil, even and especially subconscious denial, is strong and cannot be withstood in isolation. Reform will not happen without a unified movement.
April 7, 2023Aaron Hann
Grassroots Reformation vs Societal Denial

Sinking Thinking

Jesus calls his disciples to combat stinking thinking with sinking thinking: thinking that sinks deeper into minds and hearts through meditation.
March 31, 2023Aaron Hann
Sinking Thinking

“Speech Will Be The Business Of Men”

He wasn’t listening. He utterly failed to hear the complaint, the cry of injustice, the groaning of pain. All he heard was a female voice, and because of that, easily brushed off as full of inaccuracies. Lord have mercy.
March 24, 2023Aaron Hann
“Speech Will Be The Business Of Men”

Healing Prayer - A Neuro-Theology Perspective

Christians have struggled with balancing the mind and the body, the spiritual and the physical, ever since the early gnostic heresies of the early church. Engaging in holistic practice restores prayer to its proper biblical position and transformative potential.
March 17, 2023Aaron Hann
Healing Prayer - A Neuro-Theology Perspective

Does God Authorize Abuse?

In light of errant teaching on the supposed right of husbands to abuse their wives, we need to be Christians who rightly handle word of truth. Rightly handled, we see in God’s Word that submission and abuse do not go together. God never authorizes abuse.
March 13, 2023Aaron Hann
Does God Authorize Abuse?

It’s Not Just a Tetzel Problem

Why should pastors have to answer for Driscoll’s crimes? It’s a Driscoll problem, not a church problem, right? A Tetzel problem, not a problem of systemic proportions. Or is it?
March 10, 2023Aaron Hann
It’s Not Just a Tetzel Problem

Seeking Ears to Hear Stories of Trauma

The best way of getting people to listen to stories of trauma is to simply keep telling stories. If people can be given ears to hear, it will happen through story.
February 24, 2023Aaron Hann
Seeking Ears to Hear Stories of Trauma

Prayerless Words and the Leaking Writing Life

“Writing is not a literary act but spiritual…In writing, I work with words…But not mere words…but words…as carriers of spirit/Spirit. The moment words are used prayerlessly…something essential begins to leak out of life.” -Eugene Peterson
February 17, 2023Aaron Hann
Prayerless Words and the Leaking Writing Life

On Poetry and Mental Health

You see, we don’t understand poetry. That is left-brain talk. Poetry understands us; we are object, not subject. It changes how we see and think and feel. And we need more of it.
February 10, 2023Aaron Hann
On Poetry and Mental Health

The Truth in Jesus

Introducing a daily John Owen devotional newsletter! Owen sought to learn and teach “the truth in Jesus” as revealed in Scripture in light of God the Father renewing humanity after the image of the Son by the power of the Holy Spirit.
February 3, 2023Aaron Hann
The Truth in Jesus

New Wine Needs New Wineskins

If churches implement policies and programs to care well for the abused without repenting of old ways of exercising authority and power, it is new wine in old wine skins. The skins will burst, the sheep will continue to be eaten, and the old system will remain intact, unchanged and in control.
January 23, 2023Aaron Hann
New Wine Needs New Wineskins

Suspecting a Hermeneutic of Suspicion

How do we combine the need for “rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15) with the need to “visit orphans and widows in their distress” (James 1:27)? Could it be that in our concern to exercise “biblical” justice we are avoiding justice altogether?
January 16, 2023Aaron Hann
Suspecting a Hermeneutic of Suspicion

Safe in the Hands of the Father

Jesus, being the Good Shepherd, brings traumatized sheep to the Father and says, “Fear not, little flock; no matter how many wolves prowl or how loudly they growl, it is the Father’s good pleasure to hold you safe in his hands.”
January 13, 2023Aaron Hann
Safe in the Hands of the Father

Angry and Indignant

Levi, Simeon & Jacob’s Sons as Moral Exemplars in Genesis 34
January 9, 2023Aaron Hann
Angry and Indignant

How the Son Re-Names and Rights Reality

The first thing needed to escape the maze of spiritual abuse is to actually recognize you are in a maze, not a sheepfold. You need things to be called by their proper name. What has been misnamed must be re-named. And that is just what Jesus, the Good Shepherd, does.
January 6, 2023Aaron Hann
How the Son Re-Names and Rights Reality

Church Rupture & Repair

A word to pastors, elders, deacons, and Christian leaders: What would it change if you were free to screw up 66% of the time and know your people would still follow and grow as disciples if all you had to do was own your wrongs?
January 2, 2023Aaron Hann
Church Rupture & Repair

The Holy Spirit’s Healing for Spiritual Abuse

The Holy Spirit wants a relationship with you, a relationship where he can bring you back into the fold of God’s love and show you how deeply you are seen and known by the Father and by his Son Jesus Christ. It is a being seen and known greater than any traumatic unknowing you have suffered.
December 30, 2022Aaron Hann
The Holy Spirit’s Healing for Spiritual Abuse

Martin Luther, Pastoral Apologist

Martin Luther was many things: reformer, theologian, pastor, Bible scholar and translator, hymn writer. He was also an apologist, in the two best senses of the word: a defender of the faith, and defender of the sheep.
December 26, 2022Aaron Hann
Martin Luther, Pastoral Apologist

Knowing God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Did you know that you have a unique relationship with each person of the Trinity? As Samuel Rutherford said, “I know not which divine person I love the most, but this I know, I need and love each of them.”
December 23, 2022Aaron Hann
Knowing God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Thin Skin and Red Flags

Puffed up balloons are more susceptible to popping with rage at the slightest prick. A 10-minute read (according to Substack’s algorithm), because I like sharing lots of long quotes.
December 19, 2022Aaron Hann
Thin Skin and Red Flags

Teachable Readers

Perhaps this is a condition for transformational reading: be continually willing to grow *as* readers so that we continue to grow *by* reading.
December 16, 2022Aaron Hann
Teachable Readers

“Breadcrumbs From My Reading Life”

I do meditative chewing while reading, but finishing a book doesn’t mean I’m done eating it. There’s always more chewing that could be done. So I re-read my underlinings in finished books, nibbling up the breadcrumbs from my reading.
December 9, 2022Aaron Hann
“Breadcrumbs From My Reading Life”

John Calvin: Scandal, Cover Up, and Bias

Speaking against Calvin resulted in public discipline and expulsion from city ministry, but if you were on the right side—Calvin’s side—discipline was limited to a stern talking to, and ministry life went on as normal.
December 5, 2022Aaron Hann
John Calvin: Scandal, Cover Up, and Bias

Reading in Formational Space and Sacred Time

We are formed by our environments at least as much as we shape them. Formational space fosters formational prayer and meditation. This does not require a sparse monastic cell, but that image might help us envision space conducive to reading for transformation.
December 2, 2022Aaron Hann
Reading in Formational Space and Sacred Time

Thesis 96

Leaders should be more worried about wolves among their own leadership ranks than among the rank and file sheep in their flock.
November 28, 2022Aaron Hann
Thesis 96

Hospitable Reading

Reading is dialogue, inviting a distant author into your personal space for conversation. Without hospitality in our minds and hearts, we remain to some degree closed to what the text and its author might say and do to us.
November 25, 2022Aaron Hann
Hospitable Reading

“Ladies Lie”: Repenting Noetic Sin

Because the notion that “ladies lie” is a presupposition, a deeply held, unquestioned (sinful) assumption, merely quoting up-to-date statistics about valid vs. false allegations will not be enough. We also need to repent of noetic sin.
November 21, 2022Aaron Hann
“Ladies Lie”: Repenting Noetic Sin

Writing - The Way of Slow Reading

When it comes to contemplation and meditation, slow is best. The tortoise was probably farther along in spiritual maturity than the hare.
November 18, 2022Aaron Hann
Writing - The Way of Slow Reading

When Justice is Out of Order

Did you know that PCA church courts are more likely to block complaints from women than those from men?
November 13, 2022Aaron Hann
When Justice is Out of Order

Meditative Reading

We can’t digest steak whole, but sometimes that’s how we read texts that have the potential to transform us. If we want to digest it and be changed, we have to slow. down. and. chew.
November 11, 2022Aaron Hann
Meditative Reading

Toward a Biblical Discussion About Abuse

By definition, abuse is never balanced. So a “balanced” conversation about abuse is, in my estimation, an oxymoron. And neither is it biblical.
November 7, 2022Aaron Hann
Toward a Biblical Discussion About Abuse

Theologians Call Things What They Are

For the sake of the honor of Christ, the mission of the gospel, and protecting the sheep, I hope we continue clarifying how to properly name healthy and sinful shepherding. That is the mark of a theologian: calling a thing what it is.
November 6, 2022Aaron Hann

Reading for Transformation

Make prayer the beginning, middle and end of your reading. Making prayer central to reading is necessary because one does not, or at least should not, read alone.
November 4, 2022Aaron Hann
Reading for Transformation

The 96th Thesis

Wolves have always been in God’s sheepfold. But they ought not be. When God’s shepherds turn into wolves, he is “against” them (Ezekiel 34:10), but he is adamantly for the sheep.
October 31, 2022Aaron Hann
The 96th Thesis

Can You Trust Your Gut?

What if we could grow as Christians and churches in our ability to discern good from evil?
October 21, 2022Aaron Hann
Can You Trust Your Gut?

Apologetics for the Abused

The “how” of apologetics for the abused starts not with technique, but with costly courage and faithfulness. Here we pick up the thread from last week and consider what I mean by apologetics for the abused.
October 17, 2022Aaron Hann
Apologetics for the Abused

Thesis 96

Apologetics for the Abused
October 10, 2022Aaron Hann
Thesis 96

The Dynamics of True Shepherding

In walking alongside survivors of religious trauma it is very tempting to focus the light on the darkness.
October 7, 2022Aaron Hann
The Dynamics of True Shepherding

Terrible Beauty, Part II

“For beauty is nothing but the beginning of the terrible” (Rainer Maria Rilke)
September 16, 2022Aaron Hann
Terrible Beauty, Part II

Terrible Beauty, Part I

Beautiful words are like a deep lake in the mountains: the surface can stun you with reflected splendor of cloud and peak and sky, and in hot summers your skin thirsts for its cold shock.
September 9, 2022Aaron Hann
Terrible Beauty, Part I

Waiting for Beauty

Little did I know that the largest living organism on earth is 60 miles from my home.
August 26, 2022Aaron Hann
Waiting for Beauty

Begin with Beauty

As I mentioned briefly last week, Timothy Patitsas challenges us to think about the order and priority we give to truth, beauty, and goodness.
August 19, 2022Aaron Hann
Begin with Beauty

Whole Brain Reading

There was a time, not too long ago, when I got annoyed with books that started each chapter with a story.
August 5, 2022Aaron Hann
Whole Brain Reading

Close Encounters

The apostles warn about wolves in God’s church, not only from inspiration but because they had a close encounter with a wolf in Judas Iscariot. So I wonder, if there wasn’t a Judas, would the other 11 have been more vulnerable to becoming wolves themselves?
July 22, 2022Aaron Hann


Hospital Acquired Infections and Christian Soul Care
July 15, 2022Aaron Hann


Once a Week
July 1, 2022Aaron Hann

A Novel Idea

Lessons on the right brain and reading from Flannery O’Connor
May 13, 2022Aaron Hann

Miserable or Merciful Comfort

As Job makes clear, reinterpreting another’s experience can be harmful, even if the motive is mercy: “miserable comforters are you all” (Job 16:2).
April 1, 2022Aaron Hann
Miserable or Merciful Comfort

Prayer, The Soul’s Breath

“From time immemorial prayer has been spoken of as the breath of the soul. And the figure is an excellent one indeed.” Ole Hallesby
March 25, 2022Aaron Hann

The Beaming Face of Love

When we walk into the lives of those who are hurting, we bring healing by reflecting God’s delight. Joy enters the darkness when sufferers see in our face, our eyes, our smile, that there’s nowhere else we’d rather be than right here, with them, in all of their sorrow.
February 18, 2022Aaron Hann

Gospel Content / Gospel Process, Part I

Gospel content must always be mediated through gospel process. We want people to believe that Jesus saves, but that belief only sinks into the depths of a person’s heart through relationship with God and with God’s people.
February 11, 2022Aaron Hann

Once A Week

A Counseling Newsletter for Pastors and Leaders
January 28, 2022Aaron Hann