Theology & TherapyMay 8, 2023

Triune Healing from Spiritual Abuse in John’s Gospel

These are some posts that explore the dynamics of healing from spiritual abuse in John. I’m putting links here all in one post as I work on an outline to potentially expand them into a booklet/book. If you take the time to read any of these I would love your feedback!

These are some posts that explore the dynamics of healing from spiritual abuse in the Gospel of John, with a focus on the distinct works of Father, Son and Spirit. I’m putting links here all in one post as I work on expanding them into a book. If you take the time to read any of these I would love your feedback!


Thesis 96


The Dynamic of Spiritual Abuse


Aaron Hann


October 1, 2022

The Dynamic of Spiritual Abuse


How can we help survivors of spiritual abuse? I believe it all starts with definitions. We can only help if we understand what spiritual abuse is. Without understanding, we don’t see clearly, we misdiagnose and we misprescribe. I recently came across a perspective on abuse from Christian therapist



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Thesis 96


Spiritual Abuse Tactics in John’s Gospel


Aaron Hann


May 13, 2023

Spiritual Abuse Tactics in John’s Gospel


My family is approaching the one year anniversary of our functional excommunication from the church where my wife worked as Director of Women’s and Children’s Ministries. As I’ve been anticipating that anniversary I’ve also been working on an idea for a book about spiritual abuse recovery through the doctrine of the Trinity



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Thesis 96


The Dynamics of True Shepherding


Aaron Hann


October 7, 2022

The Dynamics of True Shepherding


In walking alongside survivors of religious trauma it is very tempting to focus the light on the darkness. But the darkness of spiritual abuse is first clarified and then outshined by the brightness of the Good Shepherd, and without continually redirecting our gaze to the True Light, our lights grow dim. Diane Langberg does this so well in her book



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Theology & Therapy


Knowing God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit


Aaron Hann


December 23, 2022

Knowing God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit


Did you know that you have a unique relationship with each person of the Trinity? No theologian has developed this doctrine so completely as John Owen. He devoted 274 pages to helping Christians experience this glorious truth: The saints have distinct communion with the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit (that…



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Theology & Therapy


The Holy Spirit’s Healing for Spiritual Abuse


Aaron Hann


December 30, 2022

The Holy Spirit’s Healing for Spiritual Abuse


“God intends the believer’s devotional life to be boldly tri-personal in its shape.” So writes Dan Peters in his master’s thesis Communion and the Trinity: distinct relations with Father, Son and Spirit. Paraphrasing a bold statement from Donald Macleod, Peters explores the reality that Christians have “a relationship …



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Theology & Therapy


How the Son Re-Names and Rights Reality


Aaron Hann


January 6, 2023

How the Son Re-Names and Rights Reality


Last week we began a three-part series in John 10 looking at the distinct work of the Trinity in healing survivors of spiritual abuse. To quote Dan Peters again, healing for spiritual abuse should be “boldly tri-personal in its shape.” Having focused on the re-knowing work of the Spirit, we will look at the re-naming work of the Son. But first, consider…



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Theology & Therapy


Safe in the Hands of the Father


Aaron Hann


January 13, 2023

Safe in the Hands of the Father


One of the most notable traits of post traumatic stress is hypervigilence and hyperarousal. After being severely wounded, our minds and bodies set to semi-permanent high alert mode. It’s as if Defcon 5, the defense readiness condition in times of peace, is no longer available. A traumatized body might range from Defcon 4, …



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Thesis 96


Hermeneutics for Spiritual Abuse Healing


Aaron Hann


July 8, 2023

Hermeneutics for Spiritual Abuse Healing


If anything can be said of the New Testament church with confidence, it’s that they interpreted their present experience in the drama of prior revelation. I recently wrote a lengthy newsletter demonstrating this by weaving my own experience of spiritual abuse into the narrative of ch. 9 of the Gospel of John. Such reading…



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Theology & Therapy


The Light of the World


Aaron Hann


June 2, 2023

The Light of the World


Why does John’s Gospel begin the way it does? And how is that relevant for spiritual abuse survivors? This week’s Theology & Therapy post is a meditation on the Trinity for those healing from spiritual abuse. It’s heavy on the theology, but with an aim for therapy. I encourage readers to go slow and take time to let the quotes from the Gospel of John si…



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Thesis 96


Empire Criticism in the Gospel of John?


Aaron Hann


July 18, 2023

Empire Criticism in the Gospel of John?


Due to changes in my family’s schedule, including teaching a high school psychology class for the first time this fall, I am experimenting with changing my writing and posting schedule. Hence the delay from my normal Friday posts. I’m going to try Tuesdays for now, but the goal is still “once a week”!



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Thesis 96


The Good Shepherd Sends Safe Shepherds


Aaron Hann


August 1, 2023

The Good Shepherd Sends Safe Shepherds


Did you know that the Gospel of John is all about the fulfillment of the OT expectation for the removal of false shepherds and the return of good shepherds? Not just the Good Shepherd, but also under-shepherds called by Jesus to mediate his loving care for his flock. What follows are some exegetical notes establishing the…



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Thesis 96


Awakened By The Father


Aaron Hann


August 15, 2023

Awakened By The Father


The daughters and sons of the Triune God have distinct relationships with each person of the Trinity. Eternal life is knowing Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is both a unified knowledge of the one true God, and distinct knowledge of each Person. As I reflected a few months ago, in John 10 Jesus directs us to



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Thesis 96


Spiritual Despair (The Good Kind)


Aaron Hann


August 29, 2023

Spiritual Despair (The Good Kind)


Spiritual abuse recovery begins with the sovereign work of the Holy Spirit shining truth in the darkness. This beginning work does not banish the dark. That comes later and gradually. Here, at the beginning, with a crack of the door, a slight twist of the blinds, or a flash of a match strike, the Spirit merely—but oh s…



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Thesis 96


The Word of God Welcomes Your Words of Spiritual Trauma


Aaron Hann


September 12, 2023

The Word of God Welcomes Your Words of Spiritual Trauma


Enduring spiritual abuse, like any other form of trauma, creates a tension that Judith Herman describes painfully well: “The conflict between the will to deny horrible events and the will to proclaim them aloud is the central dialectic of psychological trauma.”



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Thesis 96


Thick Clouds, Darkness and Spiritual Abuse


Aaron Hann


October 3, 2023

Thick Clouds, Darkness and Spiritual Abuse


It is true that those who follow Jesus “will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” because Jesus is “the light of the world” (8:12). At the same time, those who follow Jesus still experience darkness in various forms. In John’s Gospel the stories of the disciples in the dark at sea and Mary Magdalene in the dark at the empty tomb have e…



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Thesis 96


Let Her Speak


Aaron Hann


October 17, 2023

Let Her Speak


A book about healing from spiritual abuse in John’s gospel would be incomplete, neglectful, and possibly even harmful if it didn’t pay close attention to the way John portrays Jesus’ interaction with women. So I will be devoting three Substacks to that subject.



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Thesis 96


Woman Redeemed and Commissioned


Aaron Hann


October 24, 2023

Woman Redeemed and Commissioned


Last week I began a series of reflections on women in the Gospel of John. This continues an ongoing project on how the Trinity heals the trauma of spiritual abuse. This week I planned to write about the Samaritan woman of John 4, which I have been studying for a few weeks. However, as happens from time to time, when I sat down to begin writing I stumble…



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Thesis 96


Mary Magdalen and the Tears of Renewal and Reformation


Aaron Hann


October 31, 2023

Mary Magdalen and the Tears of Renewal and Reformation


This is part three of a mini-series focusing on the stories of women in the Gospel of John. In case you missed them, see part one regarding the woman of John 8, and part two regarding the Samaritan woman of John 4. Today the focus is on Mary Magdalen in John 20.



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Thesis 96


Mary Magdalen, the Song, and John the Singer of the Song


October 31, 2023


This post, not sent to your email, shares some biblical reflections excised from today’s published newsletter cut to keep down the word count. I believe it is important stuff, but for a Reformation Day post I wanted to focus on the heart of the matter: listening to the voices of women proclaiming that the body of Christ is absent and empty.



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Thesis 96


Spiritual Boundaries: Internalizing the Trinity


Aaron Hann


November 15, 2023

Spiritual Boundaries: Internalizing the Trinity


In previous posts on how the Trinity heals the trauma of spiritual abuse I adapted Shannon Thomas’ stages of healing from psychological abuse (see especially Awakened by the Father, and Spiritual Despair). In this post we will explore the need for the growth of internal boun…



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Thesis 96


Advent in John’s Gospel: Fearlessly Into the Dark


Aaron Hann


December 5, 2023

Advent in John’s Gospel: Fearlessly Into the Dark


Crisis reveals character. That is the message of Advent. What if we considered Advent as an invitation to consider the darkness, to have our character revealed? If we did that voluntarily, in the spirit of semper reformanda, could we avoid the crisis of unwilling exposure that produces so much more trauma and division?



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Thesis 96


Advent in John’s Gospel: After Silence, Speech


Aaron Hann


December 12, 2023

Advent in John’s Gospel: After Silence, Speech


Silence in the Deadly Dark God is not and has never been silent. The Son is the Word from all eternity. There never was a time when God the Father was not speaking God the Son. In God, there is no such thing as silence. And yet, the children of God endure silence, just as they often endure forms of death and darkness.



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Thesis 96


Advent in John’s Gospel: Healing Trauma through Embodied Reading


Aaron Hann


December 19, 2023

Advent in John’s Gospel: Healing Trauma through Embodied Reading


Have you ever sat at a table and eaten a meal with a betrayer? Have you ever dined with a close friend who later stabbed you in the back? I have. Many times. Many meals. Over many years. With a shepherd and his family. I remember the evening meals of delicious, mouth-watering steaks, and breakfasts with buttery-sweet p…



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Thesis 96


Advent in John’s Gospel: God Among Us In Human Flesh


Aaron Hann


December 26, 2023

Advent in John’s Gospel: God Among Us In Human Flesh


Although this will reach you the day after Christmas, this is the fourth and final part in a series of Advent reflections in the Gospel of John.



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Thesis 96


Religious Trauma and the New Temple


Aaron Hann


Feb 13

Religious Trauma and the New Temple


There is faith on the other side of spiritual trauma, because Jesus is building a temple of trusting disciples out of religious trauma survivors. I just discovered that a scholar, Edward Wong, recently completed a doctoral dissertation on trauma in the Gospel of John. For those who have been following along



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Thesis 96


When Empire Comes to Church


Aaron Hann


Feb 27

When Empire Comes to Church


It is tempting to adopt an “other” reading of Gospel criticisms against religious authorities. The wolves and heretics are always “out there,” never “in here.” We all want to be the heroes of our own story, and we naturally want to identify with the heroes in written stories.



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Thesis 96


When Empire Comes to Church, Part 2


Aaron Hann


Mar 5

When Empire Comes to Church, Part 2


How does a Christian pastor justify spiritual abuse? By telling himself he is protecting the Lord’s mission and cleansing the Lord’s temple. Thank you for joining me for part two of a series examining Peter’s use of the sword in John 18:10 which I’m calling



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Thesis 96


When Empire Comes to Church, Part 3


Aaron Hann


Mar 12

When Empire Comes to Church, Part 3


This is the third post in a series on empire in the Gospel of John and Peter’s use of violence in John 18:10. If you haven’t read those yet, see part one and part two.



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Thesis 96


Records of the Dangerous Gospel


Aaron Hann


Apr 9

Records of the Dangerous Gospel


CW: violence, racism, anti-Semitism



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Thesis 96


Records of the Liberating Gospel


Aaron Hann


Apr 23

Records of the Liberating Gospel


In the last Thesis 96 post, Records of the Dangerous Gospel, I showed some history of how the Gospel of John has been misused to justify violence and oppression. My interest in this question is not merely how people have read John, but how people have



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