Prayer & Meditation Posts

Prayer & Meditation VII - The Power of Attention

By focusing our minds on Scripture in set times of meditation, we engage the ignition key of attention and open ourselves to the work of the Spirit who brings “life and peace” (Romans 8:6).
May 30, 2023Aaron Hann
Prayer & Meditation VII - The Power of Attention

Prayer and Meditation IV - On Unanswered Prayer

In this series of posts about prayer, meditation, and mindfulness, I wanted to pause with a note of encouragement for those who are or have been discouraged in prayer.
May 30, 2023Aaron Hann
Prayer and Meditation IV - On Unanswered Prayer

Prayer and Meditation III - The Jesus Prayer

In part II in this series on prayer and meditation I mentioned the practice of combining slow awareness of breath with the Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me”.
May 30, 2023Aaron Hann
Prayer and Meditation III - The Jesus Prayer

Prayer and Meditation I

As a Christian counselor frequently working with Christian clients, I often wonder what assumptions my clients have about those words and practices. Unfortunately they can be loaded terms.
May 30, 2023Aaron Hann
Prayer and Meditation I

Sinking Thinking

Jesus calls his disciples to combat stinking thinking with sinking thinking: thinking that sinks deeper into minds and hearts through meditation.
March 31, 2023Aaron Hann
Sinking Thinking

Healing Prayer - A Neuro-Theology Perspective

Christians have struggled with balancing the mind and the body, the spiritual and the physical, ever since the early gnostic heresies of the early church. Engaging in holistic practice restores prayer to its proper biblical position and transformative potential.
March 17, 2023Aaron Hann
Healing Prayer - A Neuro-Theology Perspective

Prayer, The Soul’s Breath

“From time immemorial prayer has been spoken of as the breath of the soul. And the figure is an excellent one indeed.” Ole Hallesby
March 25, 2022Aaron Hann